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Dear brothers and sisters of Brazil!

As we begin the Lenten journey with fasting, penance and prayer, I join my brothers and sisters of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil in giving thanks to the Most High for the sixtieth anniversary of the Fraternity Campaign, an itinerary of conversion that unites faith and life, spirituality and fraternal commitment, love of God and love of neighbour, especially the most fragile and in need of attention. This journey is proposed each year to the Church in Brazil and to all people of good will in this beloved nation.

This year, with the theme “Fraternity and Social Friendship” and the motto “You are all brothers and sisters” (cf. Mt 23:8), the bishops of Brazil invite all the Brazilian people to follow, during Lent, a path of conversion based on the Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti, which I signed in Assisi on 3 October 2020, the eve of the liturgical memorial of Saint Francis.

As brothers and sisters, we are invited to build a true universal fraternity that enhances our life in society and our survival on Earth, our Common Home, without ever losing sight of Heaven, where the Father will welcome us all as his children.

Unfortunately, we still see many shadows in the world, signs of selfishness. This is why I remind you of the need to broaden our circles to reach out to those whom we may not naturally feel are part of our world of interests (cf. FT 97), to extend our love to “all living beings” (FT 59), overcoming borders and “the barriers of geography and distance” (FT 1).

I hope that the Church in Brazil will bear good fruit on this Lenten journey, and I hope that the Fraternity Campaign will once again help the people and communities of this dear nation in their process of conversion to the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, overcoming all division, indifference, hatred and violence.

I entrust these wishes to the care of Our Lady of Aparecida, and as a pledge of abundant heavenly graces, I gladly impart the Apostolic Blessing to all the sons and daughters of the beloved Brazilian nation, especially to those who are committed to universal brotherhood, asking them to continue to pray for me.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 25 January 2024, liturgical feast of the conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle



Holy See Press Office Bulletin, 14 February 2024

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