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Friday, 4 December 1964


Gentlemen of the Press,

Although Our pilgrimage to Bombay is brief and filled with appointments, We have desired to dedicate a short period to a meeting with you. We thank you for your intense work in regard to Our visit, reminding you that the Press which you represent can be a most potent instrument for great good. Always be faithful to the truth, remembering your responsibility to the public and eventually to history.

We entrust to you Our special message to the world. Would that the nations could cease the armaments race, and devote their resources and energies instead to the fraternal assistance of the developing countries! Would that every nation, thinking «thoughts of peace and not of affliction» and war, would contribute even a part of its expenditure for arms to a great world fund for the relief of the many problems of nutrition, clothing, shelter and medical care which affect so many peoples!

From the peaceful altar of the Eucharistic Congress, may this Our anguished cry go forth to all the governments of the world, and may God inspire them to undertake this peaceful battle against the sufferings of their less fortunate brothers!


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